Rachel Barker, Bristol Copywriter on the beach, Real Communication

Hi - I’m Rachel

I founded Real Communication 13 years ago to help people-led brands to connect with their audience and make a bigger impact by injecting humanity and clarity into their copy. 

If you’re looking for content that the right people genuinely want to engage with, Connection Copy helps you do exactly that.


The longer version…

Many freelance copywriters say they spent their childhood curled up with favourite book, escaping into a fictional landscape. I was always happier in the real world, particularly if there was a football in it. Or a beach to run along.

What I did love was the power of words and how they help us communicate. I studied four languages at uni, worked in marketing teams overseas, did some post-grad studies in communication and consumer behaviour and then landed a corporate marketing role in financial services. Which was a brilliant experience.

Writing copy and managing campaigns proved that the combination of language and psychology made copywriting the perfect career choice.


The power of connection

But after 7 years of writing slightly generic, buzzword-laden copy that made us sound like everyone else in the industry, I had a moment of clarity. 

Connection – with our clients, with our teams – is fundamental to building a successful business. I wanted to write content that was purposefully designed to connect with people and build their trust. Clear, personable, human content that would attract new business, engage employees and inspire loyalty.

In January 2010 I set up Real Communication to achieve just that, and write copy that the right audience *would* want to read.

If you're needing help with your copy, hire Rachel ... she is an absolute genius with words! She's worked with several pieces of my copy over the years - from website pages, to blogs to information sheets and every time she delivers in spades. Working with my initial draft, she weaves whatever magic she weaves and everything comes back still reading like me .... but so much better!! Thank you Rachel!


Who do you work with?

I’ve worked with more than 150 businesses who want to create a strong, genuine connection with people through their content. Businesses who know that to stand out, they need clear, memorable and personable content that not only makes them sound super smart and interesting, but can also be powerfully persuasive.

What difference can Connection Copy make to my business?

How often have you looked through a website or a company profile and feel you’ve read it all before? Solutions, strategies, synergies... snooze. To build a connection with your clients, you need to steer away from corporate clichés and actually spark a conversation. Connection Copy lets you do that very quickly. It sounds natural. It sounds real. And it produces real results.

Does Connection Copy work for the professional services sector?

Absolutely. It works for any business. Connection Copy doesn’t mean you’re oversimplifying information, being too familiar or leaving out key details. It simply means writing in the clearest, most engaging and most efficient way for your audience. There is so much content out there, and whether you’re launching a new product, trying to attract investors or encouraging your employees to comply with your latest policy, I want yours to be the content that people choose to read and respond to.


“Rachel is wonderful to work with. Her common sense down to earth approach is a breath of fresh air. I highly recommend working with her.”

Rachel Barker, Bristol Copywriter, Real Communication

Anything else?

The second love of my life (after copywriting, of course (oh, and pens. I LOVE pens)) is my 9-year old son. I feel thankful every day that he adores learning, and skips into school happily with a packed pencil case and his beloved football under his arm.

Of course, it’s not quite so simple for millions of children around the world. I support several charities that help to protect children’s mental health and support those working as young carers.

In addition, I donate a learn and play gift to Unicef for every new client. The pack includes a story book, writing book, pencils, football and a skipping rope, making it a tiny bit easier for another child to learn how to read, write and have fun.